Sunday, October 2, 2011


It's Spring. The weather is beginning to warm. Daylight savings time has commenced. What better time to start something I have been wanting to for some time?

I am beginning an online journal to record my gardening education. 'Education' because I know I am no where near close to knowing half of what I should about vegetable gardens, organic gardening, and sustainable living.

I have always wanted a garden to potter in. For years my husband and I shared a tiny flat in Sydney. The balcony was big for Sydney standards. I was able to keep a large number of pots, most of which I tried (and often failed) to grow vegetables and herbs in.

By good fortune we had the chance to take a 'sea change' earlier this year, and we are now living on the northern coast, close to the beach, and with a beautiful sized yard for me to potter in to my hearts content.

This blog will be my space to keep a record of my gardening, share the things I learn along the way, share new ideas, photos, and hopefully meet like-minded people from all across the globe.

Sam xox


  1. Exciting new blog! I'm already a follower and can't wait to read all of your stuff :) I would have been happy to have sewing and gardening all on one glorious blog too! xx

  2. Hey Sam!
    Another project for you, busy girl!
    Hope you're move went well and you're getting settled in at your new place.
    I'll be interested to hear your chicken stories, we just got some and are finding uprooted plants everywhere!
    Moving from container gardening to real garden gardening is very exciting, look forward to seeing your progress.

    xx Kim

  3. This is awesome. I love that you tended to an urban garden...and I'm happy for you (and a bit jealous) that you now live by the sea and have a bigger one. So neat.

    Have you ever read May Sarton's Journal of a Solitude? I love her stuff on gardening in there...and her quiet, thoughtful life...

    (One other thing, on your blog you have a word verification thing that comes up which makes it a bit tedious to leave comments...maybe you want to keep it but if not, I wanted to let you know)
