Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Taking cuttings.

A couple of months ago, my father in law gifted me a couple of lavender plants he had grown from cuttings. Now that these plants are firmly established in my garden, I decided to take cuttings and give it a try myself. So this weekend past I tried my hand at propagation using the stem cutting method. I followed the advice I had read online here and here.

It was a very quick process and so far the cuttings appear to be surviving. They are safely put away in the greenhouse at the moment, as I understand the humidity does help them. I am hoping that if this does work, I might be able to grow some of my Christmas gifts this year... I mean, who wouldn't want a few beautiful pots of lavender?

Sam xox


  1. This is great! I'm currently trying my first lot of cuttings: Rosemary and nasturtiums. Also, I think lavender plants would be a lovely gift! x

    1. Oh please let me know how you go with those cuttings, as those are both plants I would love to take cuttings from... do a blog post pretty please? xox

  2. what a lovely gift idea. I tried cuttings of rosemary before i moved but they died :(

    1. I had heard you can take cuttings from Rosemary. Did you use some root hormone? Apparently that does help.

  3. Hi Sam, would love to take cuttings if only my lavender plants were in good shape to begin with! I've got a lovely garden but for some reason my lavender all looks rather pitiful! But I shall definitely remember taking cuttings when they get going!

    1. Yes do try! The best time to take cuttings is when they are actively growing. And also, snap off the flowers if any are on the cutting otherwise the plant will pump all the goodness to the flower instead of forming new roots. Let me know how you get on.
